Invizimals Wiki
Dark Metalmutt

Dark Metalmutt
Color Red, Black, White, Gray and Bronze
Appearances Invizimals: The Lost Tribes

Invizimals: The Alliance

Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom

Invizimals: The Resistance

Invizimals: Battle of the Hunters

Element Rock
Resonance 1st Layer: G11/F5, 2nd Layer: E1/F7

Yellow and Blue Diamond (Alliance)


Metalmutts are evil, mean and aggressive Invizimals. Now, imagine what can happen when one Metalmutt turns to the dark side!!! The Dark Mutalmutt means double trouble, but double the fun. So evil, so arrogant, he actually becomes flamboyant and ridiculous.

How to capture[]

Build a Metalmutt Max. First throw a banana. Then use the GOGPNS method. Then press X. Then triangle. Drop him a tomato and lastly press X repeatedly.


Level 1 stats (PSP)[]

Life 120
Stamina 180
Recovery 6
Attack 14
Armor 3

Max Skill Points (PS Vita)[]


Life 12
Stamina 15
Recovery 12
Attack 15
Armor 13



Level 1 Stats (Invizimals 6)[]

Life Attack Armor Agility
500 500 400 400


Dark Metalmutt can apply some of the most offensive pressure in the game, due to it having an enormous stamina stat, a good stamina recovery, and a great attack stat. Dark Metalmutt is great at applying offensive pressure, as it can launch a barrage of high power attacks on a scale unparalleled by any Invizimal. However, Dark Metalmutt is not the greatest defensively, as it has only average life and armor stats, meaning that Dark Metalmutt can't act as a formidable defensive presence. Despite that, Dark Metalmutt is a flexible Invizimal due to its absurdly large stamina, coupled with a great surrounding cast of stats to compliment that.
