Invizimals Wiki
Stingwing max better quality

Appearances Invizimals
Invizimals: Shadow Zone
Invizimals: The Lost Tribes
Invizimals: The Alliance
Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom
Color Red, Blue and White
Element Fire
Origin Global (Once mentioned in

USA, Japan and Europe)

Resonance 1st layer: G27/F26
2nd Layer: G6


In pup form, Stingwing is small and red with white markings resembling diamonds and V shapes. She also has four wings, four arms and two tails, making her have 2.5 times the joints of a human.

In colt form it has darker eyes, sharper fangs and she doesn't have any more diamond shaped markings. She is also a darker red.

In max form, she has tear shaped tails with sharp ends and hooked claws instead of pincers. She is a lot taller and has maroon parts throughout her body. In mutant form, it is pink where its white on the pup and colt and yellow where it is red on all three forms. On max form, the maroon parts are pink.


Stingwing was the first Invizimal Kenichi ever captured. A playful insect, don't let her looks deceive you: Stingwing can generate powerful electrical shocks that make her as attractive... as she is dangerous. Experienced players never underestimate them in combat.

How to capture[]

Invizimals 1/2/3: Stay quiet until Stingwing lays down and then smack her.

Invizimals Shadow Zone: Say no when asked if you played Invizimals 1.

Invizimals Alliance/Lost Kingdom: Reach level 5 in the Alliance, if you want more you can buy her in the shop.

In-Game Appearances[]

Stingwing is an early Invizimal, her or Ironbug being the first one you capture in Invizimals and if you didn't play the first Invizimals she was the first you'd get in Invizimals shadow zone. The Berlin club member Wilfred had a colt and the Petra club boss Mahomoud had one in Max form. Also, Jazmine uses one in the Barcelona club tournament in shadow zone.


Stingwing is a fire Invizimal. Stingwing is an all around Invizimal with a high stamina stat. Stingwing's strong attack is a poison attack, making her good at fighting Ocean Invizimals. She's also okay at fighting Fire Invizimals as her Quick attack is a slice. I used a mutant Stingwing in fights against Wilfred and Rudi in the Berlin club since she was level 1 and she won them all. Stingwing may be the first Invizimal but its a good fighter.

Stats On Level One[]

Life 100

stamina 140

stamina recovery 5

attack 13

armour 3
